Jejemon Tok

Jejenese - The Jejemon Language

Jejebet is a very complicated language with traces of 1337 Speak or Leetness.
The major difference between Leetness and Jejenese is that Leetness' goal is for its text to be difficult to understand, while Jejenese goal is to make its text annoyingly colorful.
Some say that Jejenese use their complicated manner of typing in order to disguise their inability to spell correctly and speak in correct grammar.  If they are able to translate their Jejetext into a gramatically correct message, then they may be just posing as a pa-cute Jejemon.  If this is the only way they know how to send messages, then they are full-fledged Jejemons.

If there is one good thing about the Jejemon way of texting, it's Jejemonizing a password would make the password much stronger and harder to type and decipher.